
FIEC EU webinar 'Which future for public works'?

As part of a series, the session gathers speakers and companies with focus on sustainability in civil engeneering and green transistion

Welcome :

Kaitlyn Dietz  ICLEI Europe

Anna Lupi European Commission
Claus Wilhelmsen City of Copenhagen
Maud Vastbinder SKAO
Piero Petrucco ANCE

REGISTRATION open from 21 February

Asphalt Innovation Symposium

During this two-day event, researchers of the University of Antwerp, international guest speakers, and industry stakeholders will present their work and passion. Let them inform you about current and future trends in the asphalt sector during English and Dutch parallel sessions, covering a wide range of topics, including sustainable and resilient cities, innovations, and fundamental research.

L’Échelle de performance CO2 séduit tant les entrepreneurs que les maîtres d’ouvrage (French only)

L’idée sous-tendue par ce concept d’Échelle de performance CO2 est aussi simple qu’ingénieuse. Les entrepreneurs qui réduisent leurs émissions de CO2 reçoivent un Certificat de performance CO2, qui leur permet de bénéficier d’une réduction fictive du prix de leur soumission dans le cadre d’adjudications publiques.

Seminar New Technologies and Management Models in road infrastructure

On November 25, the General Directorate of Public Works, of the Ministry of Public Works, together with the Chilean Chamber of Construction, CChC, and its Technological Development Corporation, CDT, held the first day of the Seminar: "New technologies and management models in low traffic road infrastructure ”. 

Alternative schemes for implementing green public investment programmes

The invited experts represented private sector companies or non-profit organisations from Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, which act as managing agencies for environmental programmes using public funds.